QualityWorks builds on the QA Partner
automated testing foundation to deliver a complete client/server
testing solution that includes several complementary groups of
products. These products are completely modular, so you can use
them in any combination to meet your particular needs. For more
information, click on the product name below or submit a request.
- Distributed Testing -- QA Partner comprehensive distributed systems
testing; QA Performer real-time, multi-platform load and
performance testing; QA DBTester data validation via direct SQL access;
and Segue's exclusive Agents that enable cross-platform client/server
- Quality Management --
integral QA Organizer for test management, planning,
integration with automated tests, test execution and test
results analysis; and QA Radar automated defect tracking, reporting and
- Modular QualityWare -- GO! automatic testing, Surf! automated Web testing and other
ready-to-use test scripts;
- Open Integration -- Segue's Extension
Kit and integrated
support for such third-party products and technologies as Java,
SQLWindows, PowerBuilder, PVCS, Visual Basic, XVT and
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